Minnis Bay X100 sunset jumping girl

Serendipity 2

A little while back I posted a photograph and commented on the fact that from time to time your gut tells you to trip the shutter and you get something you weren’t quite expecting. Well it happened to me again yesterday. My wife and I decided to take our boys to Minnis Bay on the north Kent coast in the late afternoon for a spot of paddling, sandcastle building and fish and chips. By way of an aside, if anyone had ever suggested to me that I would be paddling barefoot on the Kent coast while wearing shorts and a t-shirt at 7pm in October I would have said they were barking – still, I suppose it is in our nature: a bit of decent sun and mad dogs and Englishmen come out to play!

Anyway, as the sun set and the tide ebbed away, I turned from the carcass of my cod and chips to see the beautiful colours of the evening on the sand. Something said grab your camera, so I did, dropping to one knee for the angle. I tripped the shutter. I had not even seen the girl walking across the sands, but she chose that instant to leap. I have no idea who she is, or why she jumped, but it sums up a fabulous weekend of unexpectedly good weather nonetheless.

Minnis Bay X100 sunset jumping girl
Sunset at Minnis Bay, Kent. Fuji X100. October 2, 2011. Photo: ยฉ Michael Cockerham 2011

2 responses to “Serendipity 2”

  1. Hywel avatar

    Double rations of serendipity! Have you tried the national lottery too? If you can catch a moment like that by chance then I’d say you’re a dead cert for the Saturday draw ๐Ÿ™‚
    All the best, H

  2. admin avatar

    Thanks, Hywel. I’ll buy a ticket, but serendipity only seems to shine on me visually rather than financially! Here’s hoping nonetheless!

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