Television exposure

You’ll have to excuse the dreadful pun in the title for this news item – all will become clear.

Popular Channel 4 show hosted by Gok Wan
Popular Channel 4 show hosted by Gok Wan

Last year I was commissioned to photograph the wedding of Kelly and Toby – nothing unusual in that. But it was brought to my attention that the bride to be, Kelly, had recently recovered from breast cancer, and following a mastectomy had had her confidence shot to pieces and her life – and wedding – put on hold.

Then along came the inimitable Gok Wan, and the television show How To Look Good Naked. Kelly says that participation in the show changed her life, gave her back her self esteem and confidence, and enabled her to get married.

Despite Channel 4’s offer to film her wedding, Kelly wanted to keep it a personal family and friends affair, and she and her betrothed employed me to do the official photography.

The Gok Wan addicts among you will know that the series is on again, and tonight they are airing a “revisit” show of Kelly that will see where her life has gone since Gok swept his broom through her wardrobe. In particular he is going to rib her for not wearing the wedding dress he bought her as part of the original show, and several of my photographs showing how she actually looked on her wedding day will be aired (apparently I will get a credit at the end of the programme).

Kelly Short on her wedding day.
Kelly Short on her wedding day.

Anyway, Kelly has become something of an ambassador for a leading breast cancer charity and is keen to raise awareness and support in equal measure. The dress she was given by Gok is to be auctioned off on eBay immediately after the show airs and you can find it at: eBay Gok’s Dress. Alternatively, if you are interested in making a simple donation you can visit Kelly’s special donations site.

For my own part, I took the decision that the programme credit and a link from the How To Look Good Naked website to my official site is reward enough, and I am donating the reproduction fees from the use of the images to a breast cancer charity.

Don’t forget to watch!!! Channel 4, 8pm, November 3rd, 2009

EDIT: If you missed the show you can watch it online and find out more here.

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